Argan Oil – Check out what it can do for your hair

Argan Oil provides many benefits for our hair and you know this, so much so that we include it in several of our products.

However, do you know all the powers hidden in this Oil?

With Fatty Acids, Vitamin E and Antioxidants in its composition, Argan Oil is excellent for restoring the most damaged hair deeply and right in the first applications.

The result is hair that is much more HYDRATED, with natural movement and intense shine. HAIR SCHEDULE? Argan Oil must be one of your greatest allies when HYDRACTING your hair in depth and excellence. Invest in our products with Oil in the composition for powerful HYDRATION! PROTECTION!

Argan Oil protects – and strengthens – the threads not only from harmful day-to-day actions, but also from chemicals and hot jets (dryers and straightening irons). Resulting in healthier strands, without split ends and FRIZZ. REVITALIZES THE WIRES and provides INTENSE SHINE!

We answer your biggest questions about our BTX

Our BTX are excellent and our favorites, but that doesn’t stop you from having a lot of questions about them. Correct?4

Does it contain formaldehyde or not? What types of chemicals is it incompatible with? Does it fade the wires? What is the best?

We know that these are some of the biggest questions you have today regarding our BTX and we are going to answer them now. DOES IT CONTAIN FORMAL OR NOT? None of our products contain formaldehyde in their composition, whether they are our BTX or our Progressives.

WHAT TYPES OF CHEMICALS IS IT INCOMPATIBLE? Valuing not only the quality of our products, but the health of your hair, we are always carrying out quality and compatibility tests. Our BTX are incompatible with: Guanidin, Thioglycolate, Metallic Tinctures, Henna and Henna.

But regardless of whether or not your strands are chemically treated, always perform a strand test before applying the product to the length of your strands.

<strong>DOES IT FADEDS MY STRANDS?</strong> Our BTX can only slightly change the shade of your strands, but many of our customers tell us they love the new shade. But if you want to keep the tone of your threads the same, carry out – after 15 days and a strand test – the maintenance of your color.

If your strands are blonde – or with highlights – you can opt for our Azure with an exclusive Probelle tinting formula.

WHICH IS BEST? ALL! Depending on the health of your threads, they will adapt to their needs, resulting in smooth and healthy threads for much longer.

Hair color fading fast? Learn how to fix your color longer

Healthy hair with the color of dreams makes a difference in our self-esteem. Is not it?

Therefore, regardless of the chosen tone, be it black or platinum, care must be taken routines so that the tone remains with the glow and health you always want.

With these 8 tips, we guarantee that regardless of the color you choose, you will not only the tone of dreams, but the health of the threads up to date. TIP 01: First of all, care should start even before coloring the strands, so follow the Hair Schedule correctly. Healthy, hydrated hair guarantees better color fixation on your strands, because your hair cuticles will be closed, ensuring good color fixation – and for much longer.

TIP 02: The hot water that many of us love is not healthy for our hair. While cold water keeps our cuticles closed, hot water opens them and dries out the hair. The result is hair that fades faster.

TIP 03: Specific products for hair with chemicals are very important to maintain the tone and health of the strands. Avoid frequent anti-residue and deep-cleansing shampoos, as they open the cuticles of the threads and can help with the fading of your threads or with the faster appearance of the natural tone of your threads at the root.

TIP 04: Oils are your best friends, use and abuse them. Capillary wetting will keep your strands healthy, keeping the tone of the strands much longer.

TIP 05: Straightening iron and dryers are practical, but they do dry out your hair if you don’t use them without a good Thermal Protector.

TIP 06: Summer is the favorite season of many, but know that it can help dry your strands, which will result in not only dull hair with double spots, but also faded by the action of chlorine, the sun and the sea water salt. Leave-in with sun protection is indicated for all seasons of the year, but in summer they are essential.

TIP 07: Toner is a good friend among colors. They maintain the color of your threads, in addition to maintaining the shine and health of your threads.

TIP 08: Don’t radicalize too quickly. When in doubt, go slow and with the help of a professional. He will know how healthy your strands are and how much they can handle, so you won’t end up with rubbery or elastic hair.

Does using hair perfume daily dry out the hair?

Imagine the following situation: You did a POWERFUL NUTRITION on your threads, they are soft, with unparalleled shine, in addition, the perfume present in your threads is incredible.

But you walked past a barbecue ‘stand’ and instantly the smell ‘stuck’ to your hair. And there? Have you been through this situation? Do you know the famous HAIR PERFUME, but are you afraid of them drying out your hair? That fear ends now!

HAIR PERFUME DOESN’T DRY OUT YOUR HAIR, that’s right! Unlike the traditional perfumes that we pass, Capillary does not contain alcohol in its composition.

When applied to strands – dry or wet – it ‘hijacks’ bad odors, leaving your hair with the characteristic scent, without irritating your scalp or drying out your locks.

Easy to handle, able to fit inside your bag, our HAIR PERFUME, in addition to sequestering bad odors, our formula provides softness and hydration to your hair. And there? Ready to fall in love with this hair routine?

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